Book Now
Meet a spine & nervous system expert from our team of advanced practitioners.
Have questions answered about any injuries or health and posture concerns you may be experiencing.
Get a clear picture on whether Chiropractic care may or may not be able to help you.
Get advice on beds, pillows, desks, chairs and shoes that are best for your posture and well-being.
Your next best steps for you will be discussed on the call.
This will include:
A private consultation with a Chiropractor
A thorough spinal examination
A complete postural evaluation
A full-INSIGHT nervous system health assessment
A full follow-up report
A referral to the appropriate specialist if chiropractic care is not the best solution
Exit A: via escalator
Exit C (closest exit): via walking stairs
Exit C
Man Yee Carpark (Right opposite our building)
IFC Mall (7-min walk from our building), turn right after exiting.
Please be sure you schedule in enough time for finding space as the area is highly busy. A 20-30 minute buffer time is recommended.
Our Weekly Schedule
8/F, 10 Pottinger St, Central, Hong Kong
1. Visit this page and follow "How to Find Us"