15 Tips for Better Posture

Did you know that out of the six basic health principles of chiropractic, two are dedicated to the importance of posture? These are standing straight and sitting properly. Posture plays a crucial role in the overall health and functioning of the body. The way we stand, the way we sit, every little aspect of our posture help us have a balanced alignment of the body, contributing to our overall well-being. So, remember, every time you slouch or hunch, you are not just affecting your appearance, but also potentially compromising your health.
At ATLAS, we support you holistically, not just through chiropractic adjustments, but also through lifestyle modifications. While chiropractic treatments can adjust your spinal structure and alignment, good posture can also enhance your health. Thus, when you visit ATLAS for an adjustment, we strive to identify the root causes of your issues, and help correct the structural changes in your spine and muscles caused by poor posture, supporting you to look and feel your best.
In this article, we share tips on how to improve your posture through 15 easy tips.
Why posture is important?
Good posture, involving standing straight and sitting properly, lessens strain on muscles and ligaments, increases efficiency, and helps prevent future back and neck problems, thus enhancing overall well-being. Not only does it reduce pressure on ligaments, lessening injury chances, it also pairs well with regular exercise to alleviate muscle strain and overuse. Good posture even has the potential to alleviate mental health and digestive problems while boosting self-confidence.
On the other hand, the short-term effects of bad posture include tight and aching muscles. A common issue is forward head posture, often caused by activities that involve forward bending like looking at your phone for extended periods. This leads to a strain on your upper back as it compensates for the off-balance. These tight muscles can impact various aspects of life, from work focus to relaxation. The ripple effect of these physical ailments can extend into other areas of life and people. Addressing the underlying postural habits, not just the symptomatic muscle tightness, is crucial to rectify these issues. This process requires neurological retraining to replace the bad habit with a healthier one, which in turn promotes better alignment.
Tips for better posture
Tips for good standing posture

- Keep your shoulders back and relaxed
- Push the lateral sides of your abdomen outwards
- Keep your feet about hip distance apart
- Balance your weight evenly over both feet
- Let your arms and hands hang naturally at your sides
- Try not to tilt your head forward, backwards or sideways
- Make sure your knees are relaxed, not locked
Tips for good sitting posture:
- Pick the right height chair, where your feet rest flat on the floor with your knees level with your hips.
- Have a footstool or yoga block available to prop up your feet if it’s more comfortable, or if your seat is too tall.
- Sit back in your chair.
- If you need more support, put a rolled-up towel or pillow behind your lower back.
- Stretch the top of your head toward the sky and tuck your chin slightly.
- Keep your neck and upper back comfortably straight.
- Keep your shoulders relaxed, not hunched, rounded or pulled too far backwards or forward.
- Balance equal weight evenly over both sit bones.
How Chiropractic Can Help with Posture
Chiropractors are experts in posture and can be a lifesavers when it comes to back and shoulder pain, spinal imbalances, and enhancing overall quality of life. We can rectify issues such as shoulder height differences, slouching, forward head carriage, hunchback, uneven hips, and spinal disorders like scoliosis or kyphosis. As experts in musculoskeletal alignment, chiropractors can offer treatments to correct conditions caused by incorrect posture and educate patients on prevention. Some treatments for postural issues include:
- Spinal Adjustments: Spinal adjustments are core to chiropractic practice. They realign the spine and neck, improving posture. They're gentle, causing minimal discomfort. A chiropractor begins with shoulder adjustments, using slow joint movements for optimal posture. These movements enhance joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and ease into good posture without pain.
- Muscle Strengthening: Chiropractors not only work with joints, but also muscles to maintain good posture. Weak or injured muscles can cause others to tighten, resulting in an unhealthy posture. Chiropractors use muscle releases and strengthening exercises to correct this imbalance. Through exercise and rehabilitation, improved posture can be achieved.
- Stretching and Rehabilitation: To improve posture, it's key to reduce tension in overactive muscles while strengthening weaker ones. Through exercises, stretches, and muscle relaxation, chiropractors help ease tension, enabling weaker muscles to strengthen, thus correcting posture.
Q: How often should I practice these tips for better posture?
A: It's best to incorporate these tips into your daily routine. The more often you practice good posture, the quicker it will become a habit.
Q: Can poor posture be corrected?
A: Yes, with regular practice and possibly some professional guidance, you can significantly improve your posture.
Q: How long does it take to correct poor posture?
A: It varies from person to person, but generally, you should start to see improvements in your posture after a few weeks to a few months of consistently practicing good posture habits.
Q: Can chiropractic treatments help with posture related problems?
A: Yes, chiropractors specialize in posture and spinal alignment. They can provide treatments and exercises to help correct posture problems and alleviate associated pain or discomfort.
In conclusion, maintaining good posture is not just about looking good, it's about feeling good too. By practicing these tips, you can help prevent future health problems and improve your overall well-being. Remember, it's not just about standing straight and sitting properly, it's about making these practices a part of your lifestyle. If you need additional support or have questions about your posture, don't hesitate to contact our chiropractic experts at ATLAS. Our team is here to help guide you through your journey to better posture. So why wait? Start your journey to better posture today!
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