June 17, 2024

Chiropractor's Tips for a Healthy Summer


Summer is finally here - the season for outdoor adventures, fun in the sun, and an abundance of exciting activities. However, all that increased movement and new activities can put extra strain on your body if you're not prepared.

At ATLAS we believe that better health and well-being starts at home. So we work with you to improve your daily habits, including exercise, eating better and posture, to help you improve your overall well-being. So, as chiropractors, we want to ensure you can fully enjoy everything summer has to offer without nagging aches and pains slowing you down. Here are our top tips for a healthy summer.

Stay Hydrated

With summer's soaring temperatures, proper hydration is crucial for your overall health and spinal function. The discs between your vertebrae rely on adequate hydration to act as shock absorbers and allow full mobility. Aim to drink at least 1L per 30kg body weight daily, and increase your intake when sweating heavily. Staying hydrated lubricates the joints and muscles, preventing stiffness and discomfort.

Soak Up the Sun Safely

Your skin is your largest organ, and it's highly absorbent of anything you put on it. When spending time outdoors, avoid chemical-laden sunscreens by choosing natural, mineral-based sun protection instead. You only need about 10 minutes of sun exposure to get your daily vitamin D - after that, cover up with sun-safe clothing or a safe sunscreen. Reducing your toxic load allows your body to function optimally.

Ease Into Exercise

If you've been more sedentary over the winter, don't jump straight into strenuous summer activities. Gradually increase your exercise intensity to avoid straining muscles and joints. Start with low-impact activities like walking, swimming or yoga to build strength and flexibility. Then slowly incorporate more vigorous activities like hiking, cycling or sports. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes of daily movement to keep your body loose and limber. Exercise also boosts endorphins and energy levels!

Wear Supportive Shoes

While flip-flops are a summer staple, they actually provide zero arch support or shock absorption. This can lead to excessive strain on your feet, ankles, knees and even your lower back. Instead, opt for sandals with good arch support and thicker soles. For activities like hiking, invest in proper athletic shoes to protect your joints and prevent injury.

Make Eating Healthy a Priority

Summer means an abundance of fresh, seasonal produce like fruits and veggies. Take advantage of these nutritious options and make healthy eating a priority. Good nutrition supports a healthy weight, reduces disease risk, and provides overall vitality. While it's okay to indulge in treats like ice cream occasionally, be sure to have healthy snacks on hand to make the nutritious choice easy. Proper fueling is key for an active summer.

Schedule Chiropractic Adjustments

If you'll be more active this summer or have any lingering aches and pains, get yourself regularly adjusted by your chiropractor. Spinal adjustments ensure your vertebrae are properly aligned to prevent nerve interferences that can cause pain, stiffness and lack of mobility. Adjustments also restore full range of motion to your joints so you can move with ease. Your chiropractor can identify and treat any areas of dysfunction or imbalance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How much water should I drink during the summer?

A1: Aim to drink at least 1L per 30kg body weight daily, and increase your intake when sweating heavily. Proper hydration is crucial for your overall health and spinal function.

Q2: What exercises are recommended for beginners in the summer?

A2: Start with low-impact activities like walking, swimming or yoga to build strength and flexibility. Then slowly incorporate more vigorous activities like hiking, cycling or sports.

Q3: What kind of shoes should I wear in the summer?

A3: While flip-flops are a summer staple, they actually provide zero arch support or shock absorption. Opt for sandals with good arch support and thicker soles. For activities like hiking, invest in proper athletic shoes to protect your joints and prevent injury.

Q4: What are some healthy eating tips for the summer?

A4: Summer means an abundance of fresh, seasonal produce like fruits and veggies. Make healthy eating a priority. Good nutrition supports a healthy weight, reduces disease risk, and provides overall vitality.

Q5: How much sun exposure is recommended?

A5: You only need about 10 minutes of sun exposure to get your daily vitamin D - after that, cover up with sun-safe clothing or a safe sunscreen.

Q6: How can chiropractic adjustments help during the summer?

A6: Spinal adjustments ensure your vertebrae are properly aligned to prevent nerve interferences that can cause pain, stiffness and lack of mobility. Adjustments also restore full range of motion to your joints so you can move with ease. Your chiropractor can identify and treat any areas of dysfunction or imbalance.


By following these simple tips, you can set yourself up for an amazing summer free of nagging aches, pains and injuries. Don't let discomfort slow you down - stay healthy and active with the help of your trusted chiropractor!


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